Thursday, September 1, 2011

English Class

     I just finished my first round of teaching English classes, and it was a success!  Back in June, Kirsten mentioned the idea of offering English classes at the Center, and asked me to head it up. It was a challenge and a little overwhelming starting out with nothing, but through prayer and God's leading I found a great curriculum, and now have a few months of experience under my belt.  Our students all want to take more classes, and have other people they want to bring as well!

Students role-playing a dialogue
     We offered a summer course for beginners, and had classes two nights a week. For this first sessions we had 8 students, and in the future are hoping to continue to grow. There was a lot of laughter and fun in each class as the students learned, and I felt so blessed to get to be part of it. I learned the trick of always ending with a game, and they really got into it.  One game we played was “Bingo” so they were practicing their English but having fun at the same time. The thought crossed my mind that in the states this game is stereotyped as more for the elderly crowd, but I didn't share that information with them:)

Students working
     One night after class I was talking with one of the students, who is juggling a family, a full time job, and classes. I could tell she was stressed and something was going on, so I asked her how she was doing. It turns out her 2 year old son was really sick, and she was feeling stressed, tired, and overwhelmed with everything. She began crying, and I asked if I could pray for her and for her son. We prayed and she was really grateful. The next week she came back with a smile and bright countenance, and told me the next day after I prayed things were so much better, and her son was better too! Moments like this are why we  are doing what we're doing. God can use even an English class to draw people to Him and show them He cares.
     At the end of September we are launching more classes and offering more levels. Two more people are going to teach as well, so its not just me, which is a blessing. I have a lot of work ahead of me the next few weeks as I train our new teachers, organize things, and as we try to advertise and register people. Its very normal here for people to skip the first week of classes then want to register late, which makes it very hard on us as we need to know what levels to offer at what times. If you could pray that all would go smoothly, God would bring who He wants, and work out all the scheduling, I would appreciate it!

Students pointing to the DR- so tiny!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Lisa, I Pray for YOu and I am so happy that all is doing well with you, Dios te bendiga..!
