Friday, June 10, 2011

Community Center!

A little over a month ago God provided a building right near campus for a community center!  This is something we've been praying about since I got here in September, so we are all very excited.  It happened in God's perfect timing, and is the perfect building and perfect location.  What a faithful God!

In the center we have a room set aside as our prayer room, which is by far my favorite room in the building.  We are working on getting it together with maps, scriptures, and other interactive ways for people to spend time in prayer there.  There is a large meeting room that will be used for fellowship, worship, small groups, etc, and also a large class room where a lot of learning will take place.  I will be teaching English classes there starting next month, and other Bible classes will eventually be taught.  There is also an office for Rich, a room that is being turned into a kitchen, and a bunk room.  I almost forgot the bathrooms- there are 3 including showers and everything!  God has blessed us far beyond what we were dreaming up, and has showed over and over His faithfulness in all this.

I hope to post a video soon so you all can see the center, but for now I have a few pictures that Mom took while she was here visiting.

Sweeping the main room

Painting the main room- looks so good!

Carlos and Mabel setting up bunk beds

In the main room set up perfectly for a small group!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa-

    This sounds AWESOME! What an awesome God we have! What a cool place. :)
